New Hope International School in Tokyo is two schools in one.
New Hope International Preschool Full-time, quality Christian education and care for children from age three to six.
New Hope English School Convenient to Narimasu, Wako, Hikarigaoka, and Akatsuka, New Hope English School offers English classes for students from one year of age through adults.
International Preschool

Everyone Is Welcome! Our preschool is for three- to six-year-old children from all backgrounds.
English Is the Primary Language! Children experience language and culture firsthand from teachers and other students.
Christian Education! Our foundation is the Bible. We nurture love and respect for all people.
Flexible Schedule! Children may attend from three to five days per week. Extended care is available before and after school.
Kids' English
English for Elementary Students
Taught by experienced professional teachers, our English classes for elementary-school children are fun, effective, and reasonably priced. We see great results in the four essential skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Kinder English
3 to 6 years old
Preschool-age children can learn English after school in an international preschool environment. Your child will enjoy the fun, comfortable classroom and steadily improve in English under the care of our preschool teachers.
Mommy and Me
12 months to 3 years old
Mommy & Me is an excellent way for you and your child to share their first English experience. This class is taught by New Hope Preschool teachers who choose a theme each week that engages toddlers.
Middle School English
English for Middle School Students
Our English classes for middle-school students are fun and get results. Real English conversation in a small group of classmates with their foreign teacher is a great supplement to the English taught in school.